After 30 years in business, there are a few things that help to set Sabre apart as a unique provider and pioneer in the team building and development space.
1 - Genuine 30-year track record
2 - Both creative and pragmatic
3 - Family owned Aussie business with a global network
4 - Sole Belbin Distributor for Australia
5 - From ‘Serious Fun’ to ‘Serious Outcomes’ (all in-house)
Genuine 30-year track record
Since 1988 we have worked very hard to enjoy what has become 30 uninterrupted years of business success in the niche field of team and leadership development.
It hasn’t always been easy. Like every business that’s weathered a bit of time and life, we have experienced competition, international disruptions and the usual ups and downs of business.
We have survived in part by practicing what we preach, and also by having the resilience as a team to never give up.
After 30 years we take comfort in knowing we must be doing something right.
Both creative and pragmatic
We often create our own unique concepts and ideas in-house. We are very proud of these ideas. Some of our sophisticated original business games such as When in Rome, Battlespace and Versagility are now also sold overseas.
We can also deploy and adapt ‘classic’ / generic team building approaches, such as Amazing Races, Movie Making or Tablet Treasure Hunts. We do deliver them with our own style and quality though.
Whilst we enjoy the challenge and the novelty of new ideas and the creative realm, we do also appreciate that sometimes clients may wish to deploy familiar generic formats.
Family owned Aussie business with a global network
Sabre remains a family owned business, and is proudly 100% Australian owned.
Developing in Australia, Sabre has extended its professional network through international licensing of Sabre IP and partnerships, and recently via the global Belbin family.
Our ability to remain large enough to have the desired impact, and yet be small enough to keep it personal, accountable and tailored, is an important formula for our ongoing success.
Sole Belbin Distributor for Australia
We are proud to have been selected by the world-renowned Belbin Model as partner and their Sole Distributor for Australia.
After a long and successful association with Belbin, we are now able to expand the use of the Belbin profiles and reports for individual, team and leadership development across Australia.
We are also very proud of the fact that we now reliably supply Belbin to many folks who were previously Sabre competitors.
The maturity of our, and their approach to these working relationships means a great deal to us. Using Belbin has been instrumental to our success, and now as Australian Distributor we want to show others exactly how to do the same.
Our aim with Sabre has always been to compete with integrity and honour, and to do business with those who have operated the same way in the team building market is a unique privilege. We can compete occasionally in the classic team building space, yet be solid allies and partners in making Belbin work for their own clients.
From ‘Serious Fun’ to ‘Serious Outcomes’
(and all in-house)
Sabre can deliver purely fun level experiences or design and deliver highly sophisticated team and leadership development, and all in-house from our own team.
In any given week we could switch between the delivery of Boat Builds and Amazing Races in Perth, GC, Sydney or Byron Bay, to a Team and Leadership DNA programme for UN leaders, managers and staff in Wewak Papua New Guinea.
Our ability to straddle this broad spectrum of design and delivery allows us to add greater depth when required to the fun stuff, and some more fun to the deep stuff.
The fact that we possess the skills, experience and credibility to do it all in-house also sets us apart.
Sabre's core team can draw upon real life experiences in a wide variety of fields conducive to team and leadership development and business. These include the military, training, teaching, academia, film and television, construction, fashion, hospitality, sales, sport and also the growth and development of Sabre itself from a start up to a mature 30 year business.
Contact us now on (T) 1300 731 381 (E) Admin@SabreHQ.com