Trusted Team Building Professionals in Australia Since 1988
We are a premium level designer and provider of team building events, team and leadership development programmes, business games / simulations and interactive conference team experiences.
We kicked off in 1988 on Australia's Gold Coast and are an Australian company that has expanded its reach globally.
Approaches range from spectacular and creatively themed events at conferences to sophisticated high-end team development programmes and leadership development workshops.
Sabre Corporate Development / Team Building works for major corporate, government, defence and sporting clients from all over the world with groups ranging from frontline staff to senior leadership and elite project teams.
Sabre is also Australian Distributor for The Belbin Team Roles and can offer clients the full range of Belbin products including profiles, official accreditation in the model, online accounts and consulting.
Sabre and Belbin Australia now operate the latest Belbin Interplace 8 systems.